Humanoid Control for Unity v4
▼NPasser | |
►NHumanoid | |
►NTracking | |
CBoolEvent | An event handler calling a function with a boolean parameter |
CBoolEventHandlers | A list of event handlers with a boolean parameter |
CCollisionEventHandler | Implements behaviour based on collisions |
CController | Controller input for a single controller |
CControllerEventHandlers | A list of EventHandlers for takeing care of controller input |
CControllerInput | A unified method for using controller input |
CControllers | Controller input for all controllers |
CControllerSide | Controller input for the left or right side of the controller (pair) |
CCounter | A Counter can be used to record a integer number |
CDestroyer | Destroyer of things |
CEventHandler | Easy universal way to attach script functions to events and statuses |
CEventHandlers | A list of event Handlers |
CFloatEvent | An event handler calling a function with a float parameter |
CFloatEventHandlers | A list of event handlers with a float parameter |
►CFunctionCall | A function which can be called |
CGameObjectEvent | An EventHandler calling a function with a GameObject type parameter |
CGameObjectEventHandlers | A list of event handlers with GameObject parameters |
CHandle | Component to specify behaviour when grabbing a GameObject |
CHumanoidAttachments | Attaches additional functionality to Humanoid on a Site |
CICerebellum | The Cerebellum interface defines the interface to control |
CICerebellumJoint | The joint itself |
CICerebellumTarget | A joint target which is used to calculate how the joints need to move |
CInteractionEventHandler | Implements behaviour using interaction |
CInteractionPointer | A generic pointer to interact with objects in the scene using the Unity Event system |
CIntEventHandler | An event handler calling a function with an integer parameter |
CIntEventHandlers | A list of event handlers with an integer parameter |
CMechanicalJoint | Mechanical Joints can be used to limit the movements of a Kinematic Rigidbody in local space |
CMenuManager | The Menu Manager uses two Interaction Pointers for each hand: |
CNetworkingStarter | Setup and start of networking |
CPossessable | Possessions can be owned by an Humanoid |
CSceneManager | The scene manager synchronizes scene changes with humanoids across a network |
CSensor | A sensor used to track an object |
CSite | With this component you can make a Humanoid Site which can be build using SiteBuilder |
CSiteBuilder | A component for building Humanoid Sites |
CSiteNavigator | The component which takes care of site navigation |
CSocket | Sockets can hold a Handles |
CSpawner | Component for spawning objects |
CSpawnPoint | A Transform represeting a place where objects can spawn |
CTarget | A main tracking transform |
CTeleporter | The teleporter is a simple tool to teleport transforms |
CTeleportTarget | The Teleport Target provides control to where a player can teleport and can be used in combination with a generic Interaction Pointer |
CTransportation | Utility functions to move transformes in the world |
CTriggerEventHandler | Implements input behaviour using Trigger Colliders |
CVector3Event | An event Handler calling a function with a Vector3 parameter |
CVector3EventList | A list of event handlers with a Vector3 parameter |
CVisitorPossessions | The Possession of a Humanoid Visitor |
▼NUnityEngine | |
►NXR |