Humanoid Control for Unity v4
No Matches
Classes | Enumerations
Passer.Humanoid Namespace Reference


class  ArmSensor
 An sensor used on the arm of a humanoid. More...
class  AvatarManager
 Manage avatar meshes for a humanoid. More...
class  CustomArm
 A custom sensor used on the arm of a humanoid. More...
class  CustomHead
 A custom sensor used on the head of a humanoid. More...
class  CustomLeg
 A custom sensor used on the leg of a humanoid. More...
class  CustomTorso
 A custom sensor used on the torso of a humanoid. More...
class  CustomTracker
 A tracker wich can be used for custom tracking solutions. More...
class  FootTarget
 Humanoid Control options for leg related things More...
class  HandSocket
 A Socket attached to a hand. More...
class  HandTarget
 Humanoid Control options for hand-related things More...
class  HeadSensor
 A sensor used on the head of a humanoid. More...
class  HeadTarget
 Humanoid Control options for head-related things More...
class  HipsTarget
 Humanoid Control options for torso related things More...
class  HumanoidButton
 Unity UI button with information on which humanoid pressed the button. More...
class  HumanoidControl
 Control avatars using tracking and animation options. More...
class  HumanoidNetworking
 Humanoid Networking. More...
class  HumanoidPreferences
 Sets preferences for Humanoid Control. More...
class  HumanoidSensor
 A sensor used to control a humanoid. More...
class  HumanoidSpawner
 Component for spawning humanoids. More...
class  HumanoidSpawnPoint
 Specifies where a new Humanoid will spawn. More...
class  HumanoidTarget
 A tracking transform for humanoids. More...
class  HumanoidTracker
 A Humanoid tracker. More...
interface  IHandCollisionEvents
 Interface for handling touch events on objects. More...
interface  IHandGrabEvents
 Interface for handling grabbing events on objects. More...
interface  IHandTouchEvents
 Interface for handling touch events on objects. More...
interface  IHandTriggerEvents
 Interface for handling touch events on objects. More...
interface  IHumanoidNetworking
 Interface for Humanoid Networking functions. More...
class  LeapHand
 Leap Motion Hand to on the arm of a Humanoid More...
class  LeapTracker
 Leap Motion enables detailed hand tracking with markerless optical detection. Individual finger movements can be tracked. More...
class  Pose
 Humanoid can be put in certain poses, which can be shared between humanoids. More...
class  Telegrabber
 Have a humaonid grab objects from a distance. More...
class  UnityXRTracker
 Universal API for tracking XR devices. More...
class  ViveTrackerArm
 Vive Tracker used on the leg of a Humanoid More...
class  ViveTrackerHead
 Vive Tracker used on the head of a Humanoid More...
class  ViveTrackerLeg
 Vive Tracker used on the leg of a Humanoid More...
class  ViveTrackerTorso
 Vive Tracker used on the torso of a Humanoid More...


enum  NetworkingSystems {
  None , UnityNetworking , PhotonNetworking , PhotonBolt ,
enum  LegBones { UpperLeg , LowerLeg , Foot , Toes }
enum  ArmBones { Hand , Forearm , UpperArm , Shoulder }
enum  HandBones {
  ThumbProximal = 0 , ThumbIntermediate = 1 , ThumbDistal = 2 , IndexProximal = 3 ,
  IndexIntermediate = 4 , IndexDistal = 5 , MiddleProximal = 6 , MiddleIntermediate = 7 ,
  MiddleDistal = 8 , RingProximal = 9 , RingIntermediate = 10 , RingDistal = 11 ,
  LittleProximal = 12 , LittleIntermediate = 13 , LittleDistal = 14 , LastHandBone = 15
enum  TorsoBones { Hips , Spine , Chest }