Humanoid Control for Unity v4
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Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl Class Reference


Control avatars using tracking and animation options.

The Humanoid Control component has all the options to control your avatar in a simple way. This document describes the available settings.


Targets are used to move the body. The control of an avatar is split into six body parts: head, 2 arms, torso and 2 legs. Each body part is controlled by a target: Head, Left/Right Hand, Hips and Left/Right Foot. Targets are not shown in the hierarchy by default but can be made visible by clicking on the Show button for that target.

Instead of the normal targets, you can also use custom target by replacing the default targets with references to other transforms.A good example are hands which are connected to a steering wheel. In this example two empty GameObjects are set at the right locations of the steering wheel. The Left and Right Hand Target show then point to the Transforms of these empty GameObjects.

Every target will have Target script attached which give additional control over these targets:


Enables you to choose which tracker devices are supported. Any combination of trackers can be chosen, even when the device itself is not present. Only when the devices are actually present in the system they will be used in the tracking. During game play you can see in the inspector which Input devices are actually present and tracking at any point. Humanoid Control will combine multiple trackers using sensor fusion to achieve the best possible tracking result. See the list of supported devices to get information on the settings forf each device.


Procedural and Mecanim animations are supported for body parts not being tracked by an input device. Mecanim animation is used when an appropriate Animation Controller is selected as parameter. Built-in procedural animation will be used when no Animation Controller is selected. See also Animator.


This will set the base pose of the avatar. For more information see Pose.


Remote Avatar

For networking setups, a remote avatar has to be selected which is used for the representation of the avatar on remote clients. This enables you to optimise the avatar mesh between first and third person views of the same avatar.


This sets a number of parameters for the locomotion of the avatar:


Inherits MonoBehaviour.

Public Types

enum  PrimaryTarget { Head , Hips }
enum  TargetId {
  Hips , Head , LeftHand , RightHand ,
  LeftFoot , RightFoot , Face
enum  StartPosition { AvatarPosition , PlayerPosition }
 Types of startposition for the Pawn.
enum  ScalingType { None , SetHeightToAvatar , ScaleTrackingToAvatar , ScaleAvatarToTracking }
 Types of Scaling which can be used to scale the tracking input to the size of the avatar. More...

Public Member Functions

delegate void OnChangeAvatar ()
void ChangeAvatar (GameObject fpAvatarPrefab)
void ChangeAvatar (GameObject fpAvatarPrefab, GameObject tpAvatarPrefab)
virtual void LocalChangeAvatar (GameObject avatarPrefab)
virtual void InitializeAvatar ()
void InitAvatar ()
 Analyses the avatar's properties requires for the movements.
void ScaleAvatarToTracking ()
Animator GetAvatar (GameObject avatarRoot)
 Retrieve the avatar rig for this humanoid.
void InitTargets ()
 Initialize the targets for this humanoid.
void DetermineTargets ()
 Checks the humanoid for presence of Targets and adds them if they are not found.
void MatchTargetsToAvatar ()
 Changes the target rig transforms to match the avatar rig.
void UpdateMovements ()
 Updates the avatar pose based on the targets rig.
void CopyTargetsToRig ()
 Copies the pose of the target rig to the avatar.
void CopyRigToTargets ()
 Copies the pose of the avatar to the target rig.
void UpdateSensorsFromTargets ()
 Updated the sensor transform from the target transforms.
HumanoidTarget.TargetedBone GetBone (Bone boneId)
 Get the Humanoid Bone.
HumanoidTarget.TargetedBone GetBone (Side side, SideBone sideBoneId)
 Get the Humanoid Bone on the incated side of the humanoid.
void ScaleTrackingToAvatar ()
void AdjustTracking (Vector3 translation)
 Adjust the tracking origin of all trackers.
void AdjustTracking (Vector3 translation, Quaternion rotation)
 Adjust the tracking origin of all trackers.
void RetrieveBones ()
 Scans the humanoid to retrieve all bones.
void OnApplicationQuit ()
delegate void OnNewNeckHeight (float neckHeight)
virtual void SetStartPosition ()
void Calibrate ()
 Calibrates the tracking with the player.
delegate void OnHumanoidPose (HumanoidPose pose)
void MoveForward (float z)
 maximum forward speed in units(meters)/second
void MoveSideward (float x)
 Moves the humanoid sideward.
virtual void Move (Vector2 velocity)
 Moves the humanoid in 2D space.
virtual void Move (Vector3 velocity)
 Moves the humanoid.
void MoveWorldVector (Vector3 v)
void Stop ()
void Rotate (float angularSpeed)
 Rotate the humanoid.
void Rotation (float yAngle)
 Set the rotation angle along the Y axis.
void Dash (Vector3 targetPosition)
 Quickly moves this humanoid to the given position.
void Teleport (Vector3 targetPosition)
 Teleports this humanoid to the given position.
void TeleportForward (float distance=1)
 Teleports the humanoid in the forward direction.
void MoveTo (Vector3 position, MovementType movementType=MovementType.Teleport)
 Moves the humanoid to the given position.
IEnumerator RotateTo (Quaternion targetRotation)
 Rotation animation to reach the given rotation.
IEnumerator LookAt (Vector3 targetPosition)
 Rotation animation to look at the given position.
IEnumerator WalkTo (Vector3 targetPosition)
 Movement animation to reach the given position.
IEnumerator WalkTo (Vector3 targetPosition, Quaternion targetRotation)
 Movement animation to reach the given position and rotation.
void Jump (float takeoffVelocity)
 Lets the Humanoid jump up with the given take off velocity.
Vector3 CheckMovement ()
virtual bool IsMyRigidbody (Rigidbody rigidbody)
float GetDistanceToGroundAt (Vector3 position, float maxDistance)
float GetDistanceToGroundAt (Vector3 position, float maxDistance, out Transform ground, out Vector3 normal)
void SetAnimationParameterBool (string parameterName, bool boolValue)
void SetAnimationParameterFloat (string parameterName, float floatValue)
void SetAnimationParameterInt (string parameterName, int intValue)
void SetAnimationParameterTrigger (string parameterName)
Vector3 GetHumanoidPosition ()
 The humanoid can be on a differentlocation than the humanoid.transform because the tracking can move the humanoid around independently This function takes this into account.
delegate void OnNewHumanoid (HumanoidControl humanoid)
bool IsVisible (Camera camera)
 Is this humanoid visible in the given camera?

Static Public Member Functions

static void SetControllerID (HumanoidControl humanoid, int controllerID)
static void CheckTargetRig (HumanoidControl humanoid)
 Match the target rig transform to the humanoid transform.
static GameObject GetRealWorld (Transform transform)
 Gets the Real World GameObject for this Humanoid.
static GameObject FindTrackerObject (GameObject realWorld, string trackerName)
 Tries to find a tracker GameObject by name.
static HumanoidControl[] AllVisibleHumanoids (Camera camera)
 Returns all humanoid which are in the frustum of the camera.

Public Attributes

string path
 The path at which the HumanoidControl script is found.
HeadTarget headTarget
HandTarget leftHandTarget
 The target script to control the left arm bones.
HandTarget rightHandTarget
 The target script to control the right arm bones.
HipsTarget hipsTarget
 The target script to control the torso bones.
FootTarget leftFootTarget
 The target script to control the left leg bones.
FootTarget rightFootTarget
 The target script to control the right leg bones.
PrimaryTarget primaryTarget
Animator targetsRig
 The target bones rig.
bool showTargetRig = false
 Draws the target rig in the scene view.
Animator avatarRig
 The avatar Rig.
bool showAvatarRig = true
 Draws the avatar rig in the scene view.
float avatarNeckHeight
 The neck height of the avatar.
bool showMuscleTension = false
 Draws the tension at the joints of the avatar.
bool calculateBodyPose = true
 Calculate the avatar pose.
bool animatorEnabled = true
 Enables the animator for this humanoid.
RuntimeAnimatorController animatorController = null
 The Animator for this humanoid.
Pose pose
 The pose of this humanoid.
bool editPose
 Is true when the pose is currently being edited.
IHumanoidNetworking humanoidNetworking
 The networking interface.
GameObject remoteAvatar
 The remote avatar prefab for this humanoid.
int playerType
 Is true when this is a remote avatar.
bool syncRootTransform = true
string remoteTrackerIpAddress
int humanoidId = -1
 The local Id of this humanoid.
Cerebellum.Cerebellum cerebellum
bool showRealObjects = true
 If true, real world objects like controllers and cameras are shown in the scene.
bool physics = true
 Enables controller physics and collisions during walking.
bool useGravity = true
 If there is not static object below the feet of the avatar the avatar will fall down until it reaches solid ground.
bool generateColliders = true
 If true, it wil generate colliders for the avatar where necessary.
bool haptics = false
 Will use haptic feedback on supported devices when the hands are colliding or touching objects.
StartPosition startPosition = StartPosition.AvatarPosition
 The start position of the humanoid.
bool calibrateAtStart = false
 Perform a calibration when the scene starts.
bool dontDestroyOnLoad = false
 This option will make sure that the humanoid is not destroyed when the scene is changed.
bool disconnectInstances = false
 (Prefab only) Will disconnect the instance from the prefab when they are included in the scene.
bool gameControllerEnabled = true
 Use game controller input.
Passer.Controller controller
 The game controller for this pawn.
int gameControllerIndex
 The index of the game controller.
GameControllers gameController
UnityXRTracker unityXR = new UnityXRTracker()
 The Unity XR tracker.
WindowsMRTracker mixedReality = new WindowsMRTracker()
 The Windows Mixed Reality tracker.
WaveVRTracker waveVR = new WaveVRTracker()
 The Wave VR tracker.
NeuronTracker neuronTracker = new NeuronTracker()
 The Perception Neuron tracker.
LeapTracker leap = new LeapTracker()
 The Leap Motion tracker.
RealsenseTracker realsense = new RealsenseTracker()
 The Intel RealSense tracker.
HydraTracker hydra = new HydraTracker()
 The Razer Hydra tracker.
Kinect1Tracker kinect1 = new Kinect1Tracker()
 The Microsoft Kinect 360/Kinect for Windows tracker.
Kinect2Tracker kinect2 = new Kinect2Tracker()
 The Microsoft Kinect 2 tracker.
Kinect4Tracker kinect4 = new Kinect4Tracker()
 Azure Kinect tracker.
AstraTracker astra = new AstraTracker()
 The Orbbec Astra tracker.
OptiTracker optitrack = new OptiTracker()
 The OptiTrack tracker.
TobiiTracker tobiiTracker = new TobiiTracker()
 The Tobii tracker.
ArKit arkit = new ArKit()
Tracking.Pupil.Tracker pupil = new Tracking.Pupil.Tracker()
 The Pupil Labs tracker.
DlibTracker dlib = new DlibTracker()
 The Dlib tracker.
AntilatencyTracker antilatency = new AntilatencyTracker()
Hi5Tracker hi5 = new Hi5Tracker()
CustomTracker custom = new CustomTracker()
float forwardSpeed = 1
 maximum forward speed in units(meters)/second
float backwardSpeed = 0.6F
 maximum backward speed in units(meters)/second
float sidewardSpeed = 1
 maximum sideways speed in units(meters)/second
float maxAcceleration = 1
 maximum acceleration in units(meters)/second/second value 0 = no maximum acceleration
float rotationSpeed = 60
 maximum rotational speed in degrees/second
float stepOffset = 0.3F
 The maximum height of objects of the ground which do not stop the humanoid.
bool proximitySpeed = false
 Reduces the walking speed of the humanoid when in the neighbourhood of objects to reduce motion sickness.
float proximitySpeedRate = 0.8f
 The amount of influence of the proximity speed. 1=No influence, 0 = Maximum.
bool bodyPull = false
 Will move the pawn position when grabbing handles on static objects.
Vector3 velocity
 The current velocity of the Pawn.
Vector3 targetVelocity
Vector3 acceleration
float turningVelocity
bool triggerEntered
bool collided
Vector3 hitNormal =
Rigidbody humanoidRigidbody
Rigidbody characterRigidbody
CapsuleCollider bodyCapsule
CapsuleCollider bodyCollider
Transform ground
 The ground Transform on which the pawn is standing.
Vector3 groundVelocity
 The velocity of the ground on which the pawn is standing.
float groundAngularVelocity
 The angular velocity of the ground on which the pawn is standing.
bool useLegLengthCorrection = false
bool floatCorrection = false
 Correct floating avatars when user is taller than the avatar.
bool floatReverting = false
bool isRemote = false
 Is true when this is a remote pawn.
ulong nwId
 The Id of this pawn across the network.
int id = -1
 The local Id of this humanoid.

Protected Member Functions

void Awake ()
float GetAvatarNeckHeight ()
void NewTargetComponents ()
void StartTargets ()
 Start the targets for this humanoid.
void UpdateTargetsAndMovements ()
void UpdateTargets ()
void InitTrackers ()
void StartTrackers ()
void UpdateTrackers ()
void InitializeTrackingConfidence ()
void StartSensors ()
void StopSensors ()
void SetTrackingHeightToAvatar ()
 Adjust Y position to match the tracking with the avatar.
virtual void Update ()
virtual void FixedUpdate ()
virtual void LateUpdate ()
virtual void UpdatePose ()
virtual void UpdatePoseEvent ()
void CalculateMovement ()
void AddCharacterColliders ()
void DetermineCollision ()
void CheckGround ()
void CheckGrounded ()
void CheckGroundMovement ()
virtual void CheckBodyPull ()
void KinematicBodyControlOneHanded (HandTarget handTarget)
void KinematicBodyControlTwoHanded ()
virtual void CalculateVelocityAcceleration ()
void Fall ()

Protected Attributes

ScalingType scaling = ScalingType.SetHeightToAvatar
 Scale Tracking to Avatar scales the tracking input to match the size of the avatar.
Transform _realWorld
TraditionalDevice traditionalInput
Vector3 lastHumanoidPos
float lastNeckHeight
Vector3 lastHeadPosition
Quaternion lastHeadRotation
float lastHeadDirection
Vector3 gravitationalVelocity
Vector3 inputMovement =
Transform lastGround
Vector3 lastGroundPosition =
float lastGroundAngle = 0
float lastTime


float trackingNeckHeight [get]
 The neck height of the target rig.
bool showSkeletons [get, set]
 If enabled, tracking skeletons will be rendered.
Transform realWorld [get]
 The transform containing all real-world objects.
HumanoidTracker[] trackers [get]
 All available trackers for this humanoid.
Vector3 up [get]
static HumanoidControl[] allHumanoids [get]
 Returns all humanoids in the current scene.


OnChangeAvatar OnChangeAvatarEvent
OnNewNeckHeight OnNewNeckHeightEvent
OnHumanoidPose onHumanoidPose
static OnNewHumanoid onNewHumanoid
 Event triggered when a new humanoid enters the current scene.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ScalingType

Types of Scaling which can be used to scale the tracking input to the size of the avatar.

SetHeightToAvatar adjusts the vertical tracking to match the avatar size. MoveHeightToAvatar does the same but also resets the tracking origin to the location of the avatar. ScaleTrackingToAvatar scales the tracking space to match the avatar size. ScaleAvatarToTracking resizes the avatar to match the player size.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetBone() [1/2]

HumanoidTarget.TargetedBone Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.GetBone ( Bone  boneId)

Get the Humanoid Bone.

boneIdThe identification of the requested bone

◆ GetBone() [2/2]

HumanoidTarget.TargetedBone Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.GetBone ( Side  side,
SideBone  sideBoneId 

Get the Humanoid Bone on the incated side of the humanoid.

sideThe requested side of the humanoid
sideBoneIdThe identification of the requested bone

◆ SetTrackingHeightToAvatar()

void Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.SetTrackingHeightToAvatar ( )

Adjust Y position to match the tracking with the avatar.

This function will adjust the vertical position of the tracking origin such that the tracking matches the avatar. This function should preferably be executed when the player is in a base position: either standing upright or sitting upright, depending on the playing pose. This will prevent the avatar being in the air or in a crouching position when the player is taller or smaller than the avatar itself. It retains 1:1 tracking and the X/Z position of the player are not affected.

◆ AdjustTracking() [1/2]

void Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.AdjustTracking ( Vector3  translation)

Adjust the tracking origin of all trackers.

translationThe translation to apply to the tracking origin

◆ AdjustTracking() [2/2]

void Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.AdjustTracking ( Vector3  translation,
Quaternion  rotation 

Adjust the tracking origin of all trackers.

translationThe translation to apply to the tracking origin
rotationThe rotation to apply to the tracking origin

◆ MoveForward()

void Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.MoveForward ( float  z)

maximum forward speed in units(meters)/second

maximum backward speed in units(meters)/second

maximum sideways speed in units(meters)/second

maximum acceleration in units(meters)/second/second value 0 = no maximum acceleration

maximum rotational speed in degrees/second

Moves the humanoid forward

zThe distance in units(meters) to move forward.

◆ MoveSideward()

void Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.MoveSideward ( float  x)

Moves the humanoid sideward.

xThe distance in units(meters) to move sideward.

◆ Move()

virtual void Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.Move ( Vector2  velocity)

Moves the humanoid in 2D space.

velocityThe velocity to move with

The velocity axis are mapped as follows: x = left/right movement y = forward/backward movement

◆ Rotate()

void Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.Rotate ( float  angularSpeed)

Rotate the humanoid.

Rotates the humanoid along the Y axis

angularSpeedThe speed in degrees per second

◆ Dash()

void Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.Dash ( Vector3  targetPosition)

Quickly moves this humanoid to the given position.

targetPositionThe position to move to

◆ Teleport()

void Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.Teleport ( Vector3  targetPosition)

Teleports this humanoid to the given position.

targetPositionThe position to move to

◆ TeleportForward()

void Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.TeleportForward ( float  distance = 1)

Teleports the humanoid in the forward direction.

distanceThe distance to teleport

The forward direction is determined by the hips target forward.

◆ MoveTo()

void Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.MoveTo ( Vector3  position,
MovementType  movementType = MovementType::Teleport 

Moves the humanoid to the given position.

movementTypeThe type of movement to use

◆ RotateTo()

IEnumerator Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.RotateTo ( Quaternion  targetRotation)

Rotation animation to reach the given rotation.

The speed of the rotation is determined by the #rotationSpeed

targetRotationThe target rotation

◆ LookAt()

IEnumerator Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.LookAt ( Vector3  targetPosition)

Rotation animation to look at the given position.

The speed of the rotation is determined by the #rotationSpeed

targetPositionThe position to look at

◆ WalkTo() [1/2]

IEnumerator Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.WalkTo ( Vector3  targetPosition)

Movement animation to reach the given position.

The pawn will walk to the given position. The speed of the movement is determined by #forwardSpeed. Any required rotation will be limited by #rotationSpeed

targetPositionThe position to where the pawn should walk

◆ WalkTo() [2/2]

IEnumerator Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.WalkTo ( Vector3  targetPosition,
Quaternion  targetRotation 

Movement animation to reach the given position and rotation.

The pawn will walk to the given position and rotation. The speed of the movement is determined by #forwardSpeed. Any required rotation will be limited by #rotationSpeed

targetPositionThe position to where the pawn should walk
targetRotationThe rotation the pawn should have at the end

◆ Jump()

void Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.Jump ( float  takeoffVelocity)

Lets the Humanoid jump up with the given take off velocity.

takeoffVelocityThe vertical velocity to start the jump

◆ GetRealWorld()

static GameObject Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.GetRealWorld ( Transform  transform)

Gets the Real World GameObject for this Humanoid.

transformThe root transform of the humanoid

◆ FindTrackerObject()

static GameObject Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.FindTrackerObject ( GameObject  realWorld,
string  trackerName 

Tries to find a tracker GameObject by name.

realWorldThe Real World GameOject in which the tracker should be
trackerNameThe name of the tracker GameObject to find

◆ GetHumanoidPosition()

Vector3 Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.GetHumanoidPosition ( )

The humanoid can be on a differentlocation than the humanoid.transform because the tracking can move the humanoid around independently This function takes this into account.

The position of the humanoid

◆ AllVisibleHumanoids()

static HumanoidControl[] Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.AllVisibleHumanoids ( Camera  camera)

Returns all humanoid which are in the frustum of the camera.

cameraThe camera in which the humanoids should be visible
An array of all visible humanoids

◆ IsVisible()

bool Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.IsVisible ( Camera  camera)

Is this humanoid visible in the given camera?

cameraThe camera in which the humaonid may be visible
true when the humanoid is visible in the camera

Member Data Documentation

◆ targetsRig

Animator Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.targetsRig

The target bones rig.

The target bones rig contain the target pose of the avatar The humanoid movements will try to move the avatar such that the target pose is reached as closely as possible

◆ avatarRig

Animator Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.avatarRig

The avatar Rig.

This is the rig of the avatar we want to control.

◆ calculateBodyPose

bool Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.calculateBodyPose = true

Calculate the avatar pose.

When this option is enabled, the pose of the avatar is updated from the target rig using the Humanoid movements. If you are only interested in the tracking result, you can disable this option and use the target rig to access the tracked pose.

◆ playerType

int Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.playerType

Is true when this is a remote avatar.

Remote avatars are not controlled locally, but are controlled from another computer. These are copies of the avatar on that other computer and are updated via messages exchanges on a network.

The Id of this humanoid across the network

The Player Type of the humanoid

◆ unityXR

UnityXRTracker Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.unityXR = new UnityXRTracker()

The Unity XR tracker.


◆ ground

Transform Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.ground

The ground Transform on which the pawn is standing.

When the pawn is not standing on the ground, the value is null

◆ groundAngularVelocity

float Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.groundAngularVelocity

The angular velocity of the ground on which the pawn is standing.

The velocity is in degrees per second along the Y axis of the pawn

◆ isRemote

bool Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.isRemote = false

Is true when this is a remote pawn.

Remote pawns are not controlled locally, but are controlled from another computer. These are copies of the pawn on that other computer and are updated via messages exchanges on a network.

Property Documentation

◆ trackingNeckHeight

float Passer.Humanoid.HumanoidControl.trackingNeckHeight

The neck height of the target rig.

When head tracking is used, this can be used to estimate the height of the player.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: